Privacy policy

Version 1.0

This policy applies to all activities on this website and is valid for visitors and registered users.

We use a session cookie to secure your activity.

We use analytics to anonymously track your activity so that we can improve our service.

We collect and store some of the personal information that you send us from our website form. This personal information is stored on a secure server in the USA but it might cross national borders during processing if our operators are located in a different country.

None of your information is shared with any third party unless we are compelled to by law or unless you commit a crime that involves our service.

Under no circumstances do we knowingly collect personal information of children under 13 years old. If you believe your child has sent us his or her information, please contact us immediately so that we can delete it.

All data transmission uses TLS encryption.

You can ask us to delete your personal information whenever you like. We will permanently delete all records of your transactions. The only information that we will keep is the log files that are used to monitor the service. Log files might include a timestamp, your IP address, and any errors in scripts that might occur.

Your rights

You have the right to request:

  • Copies of your personal data in a portable format.
  • That we update inaccurate information or add missing information.
  • That we delete your personal information from our records, as long as we are not compelled by law to keep it.
  • That we restrict how we use your personal information, as long as we are not compelled by law to use it otherwise.

You also have the right to complain to the appropriate regulator in your jurisdiction.

Please send any requests to We will respond as soon as we can, but we are allowed up to a month to respond to any request.